02 February 2013

Clickin Moms Monthly Challenge... Close Up Portraiture {Ahwatukee AZ Childrens Photographer}

Time again for my monthly blog circle. January's theme was close up portraiture. I found this impromptu set of photos of my son to be very fitting as we had a very serious conversation while I was shooting. I love how smart and thoughtful he was with his answers that afternoon, even though he didn't want to answer all the questions I had ;) He is growing up way to fast, and I am so glad to have these photos of him, I will always remember our desert conversations through these. Now please visit my friend Vicky for her take on this months challenge.


Thanks for looking, XOXO

4 sweet comments:

marianpease said...

Anna: You do beautiful work! Thanks for sharing! He is so cute!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Marian!

Laurie said...

Love these!

Nicole said...

Aw, love those lashes!

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