16 January 2013

Actions Review {Marissa Gifford Photography ~ The Signature Set}

I recently had the privilege of testing a brand new set of Photoshop Actions from the very talented Marissa at Marissa Gifford Photography. I've always been a huge fan of Marissa's work and was so excited when she announced that she was working on an action set. To be picked as a tester was beyond exciting and she didn't disappoint!

This action set contains 32 actions, and it has everything you would need from start to finish. It has workflow actions, black and white actions, helper actions, and tones/hazes for that finishing touch.

What I absolutely LOVE about this set is that it works on any kind of photo, I use them on both indoor and outdoor photos and I'm easily able to create any look I want from light and airy to deep and rich. I also love them for my newborn work. They are easy to understand, and can be played on top of each other, which makes a big difference to me. I don't think I've found anything I don't like about this set, and I am very picky ;)

This set was JUST released yesterday and there is a $20 discount for the first 48 hours. Go snag this set up asap, I know I would!

Here are a few before/afters using only The Signature set from Marissa Gifford Photography.


To purchase Marissa's actions, click here
Become a fan of Marissa Gifford Photography on Facebook for the latest news (and tell her I sent you ;)).

XOXO, Anna

1 sweet comments:

Marissa said...

I love this! Thank you for this great review Anna! :) <3

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