02 September 2012

The Way I View Playtime {Phoenix, AZ Child Photographer}

I recently joined a blog circle with a group of lovely photographers from Clickin Moms (my favorite photography forum). Each month we'll have a theme to photograph and then we'll all blog about it and link to each others blogs. I love the idea of going through the circle each month to see how we all interpret the theme of the month. This is going to be so inspiring, and I encourage you to click through the circle as well.

This month our theme was playtime, as a mama of two this was an easy task ;) I loved how the kids got involved and how they would tell me what to take pictures of. I have a lot of photos of their toys from this month ;)
I hope you'll visit my friend Heather Richard Photography to see her version of playtime :)

This is our new favorite playtime, ever since school started here, the watering schedule at the park across the street has changed, and our cue to when it starts is when the school bus drives by in the afternoon. So as soon as we hear that bus, we grab our things and head across the street for some water play. Since we live in AZ, this feels really nice :)


This last photo cracked me up!

Now please visit Heather Richard Photography for her take on playtime.


12 sweet comments:

Laurie said...

Love these shot!

Colie said...

Anna these are fantastic. Makes me want to run and play in the water. I think we will tomorrow!

Amber said...

These are so pretty and fun! Love them!

Beira said...

These are so fun! Love the bokeh and light.

Mary said...

Fabulous shots! I love the way the light is sparkling in the sprinklers :) Beautiful :)

Elicia said...

These are perfection! Love the light!

Melissa said...

What great shots! Fabulous set and the first is my favorite. :) Although, that last one cracked me up, too!

Unknown said...

Awesome! I loved doing this when I was a kid!!

Candice said...

Great captures! Looks like they had loads of fun :)

Alexis said...

These are so fun! I love the first one!

Heather Richard - Bottomstoppers said...

These are awesome!!!

Marissa said...

Oh Anna, I love these!!! Such fun! :)

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