29 August 2012

Giveaway!! {Phoenix, AZ Child Photography}

One of my favorite Moms Blogs, Scottsdale Moms Blog, is celebrating Pregnancy Week this week and I am participating by giving away a FREE maternity or newborn session! Head on over to this post to enter! I can't wait to see who the winner will be, maybe it's you :)

And, just because no post is complete without a photo, here are some kisses to brighten your day ;)



21 sweet comments:

Anonymous said...

aww! what a sweet shot! Love the bokeh, it's gorgeous!!

Terry Beigie said...

Such a beautiful set of photos!! Have fun with the giveaway!

gena said...

so cute! I love these and all the beautiful bokkeh. beautiful work my friend.

Sarah said...

Oh so cute. Great giveaway!

Angela Kay said...

Beautiful bokeh! And completely adorable images...

Narelle said...

Great shots. Love the bokeh and the way you have used the trees to frame. Nice work.

Anjuli said...

What a cutie!

Alexis said...

Super cute and sassy!!!

Sarah said...

She is adorable!

Unknown said...

She is so adorable. I love your location! Beautiful!

Geneva said...

What a happy, giggly, adorable face! You BROUGHT it with the bokeh!

Tori said...

Too too cute!

Marissa Gifford said...

Gaaaahhhh! I love these pictures! Such a fun giveaway - someone will be very lucky to win it. :)

Robin Kelm Photography said...

Adorable little girl and shots!

Kim said...

These are adorable!!Love the kisses:).

Jennifer said...

Such a cutie, love the blowing kisses.

Kate said...

So cute!

Michelle Johnson said...

What a sweetheart! I love these!

Jackie said...

darling series!

Christy Harper said...

Super cute images!!

sara said...

Blowing kisses is so fun :)

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