19 September 2012

Beautiful Mama {Phoenix, AZ Glamour Photography}

Being that I'm fairly new to this area, I'm constantly on the lookout for new locations for my sessions. I usually bring one of my kids, or both if I'm feeling lucky ;) but for this session I also wanted to practice my posing. So I asked my beautiful friend if she'd be willing to go on a scouting session with me, and she was happy to come along.
I loved this whole experience, from picking outfits, to posing and editing. My friend is absolutely gorgeous (she had a baby 4 months before this session) and so comfortable in front of the camera.


Contact me today to schedule your beauty session, it is such a fun session and a great way to boost your confidence level. Makes a great gift for your hubby too ;)

Thank you Sara! XOXO

20 sweet comments:

Kristen said...

Looks like you found a great location, and a great model. Nice work.

Marissa said...

Looks like you both rocked it. Great job Anna. :)

meredith said...

Dang! Great location and a beautiful mode. You did a great job!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous girl! What a wonderful job!

Unknown said...

Looks like you did great with the posing! Beautiful edits, too!

Andrea said...

Wow, these are gorgeous! Love your processing!!

Carolyn Brandt said...

Beautiful! The last shot is my fave :)

Jess Cadena said...

OH my goodness, I LOVE the idea behind this session! She is stunning! I get stuck on your blog mesmerized by your photos every time <3

Robin Kelm Photography said...

Gorgeous and wow, she just had a baby!

Unknown said...

She is just gorgeous! Great job on these photos!

Unknown said...

Wow! She is gorgeous! Love all of these!

Elena said...

Love the processing!! you're amazing!

AshleyS said...

great images--your friend is beautiful!

Amber said...

These are fabulous. She is gorgeous. And I love your bokeh.

sally said...

This is a great idea, and she is stunning! You've really captured her beauty.

Laura said...

Gorgeous! Such fun images, and she is stunning!

Anjuli said...

So pretty!

Tori said...

She has amazing eyes. Gorgeous images.

Sarah said...

You fond a great location! You friend looks beautiful!

Nina said...

Beautiful she is! You rocked these!

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