02 October 2012

The Way I View Back to School {Phoenix, AZ Childrens Photographer}

This month's blog theme is back to school, and I am so excited to share these photos. I had the honor of doing photos for my son's preschool this year :) He was so excited about this, and told me he was so proud of me, I'm soaking that up as I'm sure that will change as he gets older ;) I had an amazing time meeting all of his new friends, such a great group of kids.


Now please visit my friend Vicki for her take on back to school


28 sweet comments:

Alyssa Henry said...

LOVE these Anna! Beautiful color and such a sweet boy you have!

Unknown said...

thank you Alyssa!

Danielle said...

Oooh he is so cute! What fun photos to remember this time with. Great job Anna!

Alexis said...

These are so sweet! I love his expressions and the muted colors:)

Robin Kelm Photography said...

What a cutie, great colors!

Stephanie said...

SO incredibly adorable! Love the setup, and the subject - well, he's a keeper!!

Unknown said...

I love everything about these!

teresafreese said...

Such a sweet, precious guy. I miss his so much (Abby too)! Beautiful photos, great job Anna :-)

Vicky said...

What a great shoot, love how you've styled it. And your little guy is very cute!

Shell said...

These are so cute! He is such a handsome guy and the desk is perfect.

Jane Cox said...

aw....super cute!

Mary said...

What a handsome little guy, Anna!!! Love these :)

Heather Richard - Bottomstoppers said...

he is so cute!!!! Love them!

Unknown said...

His smile is so adorable!!

Katie said...

Hi Anna! He is precious, you did a great job with these!

Kayla said...

What a cutie! LOVE that smile in the last one!

christina said...

Love the Dr. Suess books & he is adorable. What an amazing smile.

Trudie said...

Great shots

christy said...

fun images, the colors are perfect :)

Carrie said...

I love the colors on these, great job :)

Jen Dunham said...

These are adorable! I love the 2nd shot best!

Candice said...

Awe, the are so sweet. What a cutie pie you have :)

Kim said...

He is so cute, and I love the desk!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute!!! I love that little giggle!

Colie James said...

LOVE these! I am a big Dr Seuss fan!

Laurie said...

Beautiful! Love the colors and the whole setup!

Tara said...

So handsome!

Jenn said...

I love these! That desk is awesome and that last photo is so cute!

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