25 July 2012

Pinterest Project {Phoenix, AZ Photographer}

I am pretty much addicted to Pinterest and have probably spent more time than I care to admit on their site ;) However it's not all in vain, I have made quite a few projects, and tried a lot of recipes that I've found there :)

For instance, these cookies are absolutely delicious and SO easy to make :)

This time around, I was on the lookout for a project I've had in mind for a while. You know all those stained white t-shirts your kids have? Well, we have quite a few and they are ALL stained? I don't know why I ever thought it would be a good idea to put anything white on a toddler, but oh well lol. So I had an idea in my mind and started to look on Pinterest for inspiration. I found a few dresses that I liked and got to work.

t-shirt and fabrics I used, t shirt complete with stains and all.
t shirt before

I added a fabric flower to cover a stain on the collar of the shirt.
fabric flower

And here's the finished dress :)
t shirt dress after

t shirt dress detail

t shirt dress

I would say this project took me about 2 hours total, I used less than a yard of fabric and one button for the flower. If you have any questions, feel free to leave comment and I will try my best to answer :) I am already planning my next Pinterest Project, this was so much fun and I love the outcome! Do you have any favorite Pinterest Projects?


16 sweet comments:

Terry Beigie said...

Oh my good this is adorable! I love Pinterest myself, but have yet to make anything this elaborate from it. Gorgeous!

Hil C said...

I envy your sewing talent! What a beautiful dress!

Jackie said...

So adorable!!

stefanie said...

i'm totally impressed by your craftiness!

rachael said...

oh my gosh so cute! i wish i had the patience for sewing.

Donna Davie said...

That is absolutely adorable! What a great idea! Great job! :)

Unknown said...

Adorable ! I love the fabric choices and for 2 hours of work this is a great bargain compared to what dresses like this sell for on etsy. Now I need to start following you on pinterest!

Anonymous said...

love the outfit!! too cute!

Kerri said...

Love it! So cute!

Candice said...

Adorable! What a great idea! :)

Jane said...

I wish I had even a fraction of your talent!! the outfit is adorable!

Mikki said...

Too cute! You're making me itch to dust off my sewing machine. :)

Unknown said...


AshleyS said...

okay, how precious is that!!! if I wasn't all thumbs at the sewing machine, I'd be tackling a project like that immediately!

Ava Hristova - Belmont, CA Newborn & Baby Photographer said...

That looks really great.

Utahdoula said...

I am impressed! I can't sew worth beans, so I admire people who can make it look good!

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